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[MEGAGEN IMPLANT] 메가젠 임플란트 필리핀 법인 회계담당자 현지채용

등록일 : 2024.11.06조회 : 449

ㅇ 경력 : 무관
ㅇ 학력 : 전문대학 졸업 
ㅇ 외국어
  - 필수 : 영어(상) : 거의 모든 상황에서 만족할 만한 의사소통 가능(업무 커뮤니케이션 가능자)
  - 선택 : 필리핀어(중) : 일상적인 의사소통 가능
  - 필수 : 한국어(최상) : 거의 모든 상황에서 만족할 만한 의사소통 가능

ㅇ 고용형태 : 정규직
ㅇ 근무지역 : 필리핀
ㅇ 근무시간 : 8 시간 / 5일
ㅇ 급여(한화) : 연봉 2,500 ~ 4,000 만원
ㅇ 그외 자격요건
     - 경영, 상경계열 전공자
     - 재무관련 자격증 보유자 우대
     - 해외법인 회계관리 경험자 우대
필리핀 법인 회계 담당
현지 법인 채권/채무 장부 기장 관리 결산 보고
관리/총무 업무

Job Description
Provides regular report to the management as per agreed schedule with the help of the accounting consultant.
Provide monthly report of company account receivables and payables to be submitted to the Accounting Manager every 4th of the following month.
In charge of monthly computation, filing and payments of government reportorial requirements such as those for the following reports:
o 1601-C and 1601-E on or before 10th of the following month;
o Monthly Vat (2550M) on or before 20th of every month;
o Quarterly Vat (2550Q) on or before 25th of the following quarter;
o Quarterly Income Tax (1702Q), 60 days after every quarter;
o SSS contributions and loans, on or before end of the following month;
o HDMF contributions and loans, on or before 20th of the following month;
o Philhealth contributions, on or before 16th of the following month;
In charge of computation and filing of Alphalist for the following:
o Withholding Tax Compensation (1604-C) on or before January 31 of very year;
o Expanded (1604-E) on or before March 1 of every year;
o Annual Inventory Report on or before January 15 of every year;
Maintains proper filing of all financial documents;
Other tasks that maybe assigned from time to time Checking of completeness and validity of
payments received against contract.
Custodian of all original contracts
Issuance of OR and Sales Invoice.
Handles and attends to all concern with regards to collection
Preparation of all relevant documents to support small claims cases and filing the claims.
All other works that maybe assigned from time to time related to Accounting Department such as but not limited to inventory count, assisting in preparation of reports, etc

접수마감 : 2024. 11. 8.

지원방법 : 월드잡 바로가기 >>>>>