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대한전선(주) 네덜란드 법인, Project Site Manager (독일어) 모집(3명)

등록일 : 2024.03.06조회 : 818

ㅇ 경력 : 무관
ㅇ 학력 : 대학(교) 졸업 
ㅇ 외국어
  - 필수 : 영어(상) : 모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능
  - 필수 : 독일어(상) : 모든 상황에서 효과적인 의사소통 가능
  - 선택 : 네덜란드어(중상) : 업무와 관련된 제한적인 의사소통 가능

ㅇ 고용형태 : 정규직
ㅇ 근무지역 : 네덜란드
ㅇ 근무시간 : 40 시간 / 5일
ㅇ 급여(한화) : 연봉 6,810 ~ 10,880 만원
ㅇ 급여(외화) : 연봉 € 46,908 ~ € 74,940 (EUR)

ㅇ 그외 자격요건
     - You are eligible to work in the EU countries
     - Fluency in spoken and written English/German (mandatory)
     - Entry-level applicants are welcomed, relevant work experience is preferred.
     - Team working capability
     - Knowledge and familiarity with of softwares like Microsoft Office and in the use of the Web
     - No restriction on traveling abroad

- Examination of the project requirements, in particular the technical specifications, quality and HSE requirements.
- Project documents control including translation of project documents (English-German)
- Internal discussion within Installation Engineering and other Departments, as required, on the chosen solution.
- Preparation and issuing of technical specifications for the potential subcontractors.
- Examination of the proposals recieved from potential subcontractors from different points of views; technical, economical and schdeduling/timing of the work.
- Discussions with Subcontractors with the aim of clarifying offers and aligning them to Taihan/Customer requirements.
- Elaboration of the Installation Costs.
- Preparation of the Technical description of the work and the documentation requiested by the Customer with regard to installation matters.
- Assembly and preparation of the plan of work with regard to the installation acitivities.
- Supporting the Project Manager, Sales Manager in issuing claims related to changes in project scope, including assessing cost and time impancts as well as risk quantifications.
- Preparation of and paticipation in project progoress reviews as well as communication of progress and control issues to the project team including suggestions.
- Supervise the installation works at site.

접수마감 : 2024. 3. 9.

지원방법 : 월드잡 바로가기