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[KOTRA] 베트남, 우리은행, Business Planner (1명)

등록일 : 2023.03.16조회 : 175

ㅇ 경력 : 경력 3년이상 ~ 21년이하
ㅇ 학력 : 대학(교) 졸업
ㅇ 외국어
  - 필수 : 영어(중상) : 영어 혹은 베트남어 가능자
  - 필수 : 베트남어(중상) : 영어 혹은 베트남어 가능자

ㅇ 고용형태 : 정규직
ㅇ 근무지역 : 베트남
ㅇ 근무시간 : 주 5일근무
ㅇ 급여(한화) : 면접 후 결정
ㅇ 그외 자격요건
    - 관련 경력 3년 이상
    - Preferably experienced candidate in retail banking/ card business and peforming role and responsibilities as a teamleader.
    - Have experience in using financial and banking software.
    - Graduated from University or Higher, Major in Finance and banking

- Develop business plans and activities in retail banking.
- Develop and manage relationships with customers and other partners.
- Eveluate and measure the effectiveness of business.
- Monitor the development of the retail market and the moves of competitors in the region.
- Collaborate with Branch Manager to product orientation and development.
- Responsible for business operations and system operation.
- Handling other tasks as assigned by Head of Division.

접수마감 : 2023. 3. 30.

지원방법 : 월드잡 바로가기